Webshop » Track Z » Märklin Track Z » 82092 Track Z, Carbide Container Car Set, IV.

82092 Track Z, Carbide Container Car Set, IV.

82092 82092 Track Z, Carbide Container Car Set, IV.


€ 219.00 € 192.75


Märklin 82092
Track Z, Carbide Container Car Set, IV.
Prototype: 5 carbide container cars. Privately owned cars for SKW Trostberg, Inc., used on the German Federal Railroad (DB). All of the cars look as they did in Era IV.

Vorbild: 5 Carbid-Flaschenwagen. Privatwagen der SKW Trostberg AG eingestellt bei der Deutschen Bundesbahn (DB). Alle Wagen im Zustand der Epoche IV.The cars have different car numbers and container numbers. The construction is intricate with partially open car floors constructed of metal. The removable carbide containers are finely detailed. These models are not available individually. Total length 288 mm / 11-3/8".