Webshop » Märklin Track HO » Märklin HO Accessories » 60126 This extension cable for the main line comes with a 9-pin socket and a 9-pin plug to connect a distantly located 60125/60145 Terminal.

60126 This extension cable for the main line comes with a 9-pin socket and a 9-pin plug to connect a distantly located 60125/60145 Terminal.

60126 60126 This extension cable for the main line comes with a 9-pin socket and a 9-pin plug to connect a distantly located 60125/60145 Terminal.


€ 20.99


Märklin 60126
This extension cable for the main line comes with a 9-pin socket and a 9-pin plug to connect a distantly located 60125/60145 Terminal. 

Length approximately 2 meters / 79 inches.
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