Webshop » Märklin Track HO » 45031 HO Type Ibopqs Beer Refrigerator Car.

45031 HO Type Ibopqs Beer Refrigerator Car.

45031 45031 HO Type Ibopqs Beer Refrigerator Car.


€ 42.99 € 37.84


Märklin 45031
HO Type Ibopqs Beer Refrigerator Car.
Prototype: Privately owned type Ibopqs beer refrigerator car for the private brewery Ernst Barre, Inc., Lübbecke, Germany. Painted and lettered with "Zuhause im Barre-Land" / "At Home in Barre Land", Barre Pilsener advertising theme.

The car has separately applied roof vents. It also has separately applied ladders on the ends. Length over the buffers approximately 13.4 cm / 5-1/4". DC wheelset E32376004. Trix Express wheelset E36660700.